How to activate the card of my collaborator


Don't activate any other cards then those you or your employee have already received. If you activate a card you haven't yet received and it falls into the wrong hands, the card and its balance are subject to possible fraudulent activities.

Activation of a series of cards that belong to the same order

If you want to activate several cards, you first have to logon to your customer webspace on

Under the tab "Orders", on "Last orders", click on the field "See my cards to activate" to find the order for which you would like to activate the cards that you have received. The order number will appear in the left column.

Next, click on the icon  to activate the cards of this order.



Activation of an individual card

If you want to activate one card, you first have to logon to your customer webspace on

Under the tab "My company", click on "My employees" and indicate the name of your employee by clicking on the filter left of the title "Name"(or filter on their "INSS") to gain access to the employee file of the card you would like to activate.

Next, click on the button icone_action.pngunder the column Action



Then click on the button " Activate " in order to finalize the activation.


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