How can I add a promo code?

You place your order via an Excel file or via your payroll agency ?
  1. On the home page of your customer area, you will see on the right side of the screen the box "Promo Code"

  2. Click on the product for which you have received a promo code
    The box below appears:

  3. Fill in the promo code you received and click on "Apply"

You place your order via the online ordering platform on MyEdenred?
  1. Enter your order by following the different steps on the platform. Click on "Validate my order" to reach the next page which gives you a summary of the ordered products.  
    On this screen, click on the box "Promo code"

  2. A new window appears, this is where you can enter your promo code

  3. Fill in the promo code you received and click on "Apply"

Be careful, the promo code will not be visible on your accounting documents.

Be careful, the promo code will not be visible on your accounting documents. If you have filled in your promo code as described above, it will be automatically applied to the cost of your order. It will not be mentioned on your payment request and/or your invoice.

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