How can I add new users?

Add new users by batch
  1. Download the excel template:
    • Do not modify the order of the columns
    • Do not add or suppress column on the file
  2. Add the user’s e-mail by respecting the format Do not leave blank spaces before or after the e-mail inside the cell. The e-mail will be the login of the user to the platform, and the welcome e-mail with access credentials will be sent to that e-mail. The user will be able to change the login to another e-mail once connected to the platform on his/her user space.
  3. Add the user’s language respecting the following format:
    • Type in Capital letters
    • Type FR for French
    • Type NL for Dutch
    • Type EN for English
    • Type DE for German

      All users’ notifications and communication will be sent in the selected language. The user will be able to modify the language on his/her User Space once connected on the Ekivita Edenred platform.

  4. Fill in the “client number” field with a unique value per user, that will not be editable once the users are uploaded on the Client Space with the excel file. This value will be the reference that you will be using to make searches on a specific user. Contrary to the user e-mail, this value can’t be modified by the user or by the admin of the Client Space. It can be the user e-mail filled in column B or the employee’s salary reference number or any value made of letters and numbers unique per employee.
  5. Save the excel in .xls(x) format
  6. Upload the file or drag and drop it in the right box
  7. Click on validation button
Add a single user

On the User Search Page, on the right corner, the “add user” button allow you to add a single user to the platform; add info related to fields, language, client number and e-mail.

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